On a given day, more than 25,000 people will sprain their ankle. It can happen with a landing error while playing sports, participating in physical activities, or even stepping on uneven surfaces. It can happen to athletes, non-athletes, children, and adults.
Ligaments hold our ankle bones together. Ankle sprains occur when the foot twists or turns beyond its normal range of movement, causing the ligaments to stretch beyond their normal length.
An ankle sprain can range from mild to severe, depending on the integrity of the ligament or how many ligaments are injured. Ankle sprains also are classified as acute and chronic.
- Acute sprain: occurred recently, typically within the past 1-3 weeks
- Chronic sprain: begins beyond 4 weeks as an individual will continue having symptoms beyond the expected time for normal healing
How does it feel?
With acute ankle sprains, you may have:
- Pain
- Swelling
- Inability to bear weight on the ankle
With most sprains, you feel pain near the site of the ligament disruption. Often, the ankle will immediately swell. The ankle is oftentimes tender to the touch and, when you move the ankle, it hurts.
How will Abide Physical Therapy help?
For the first 24 to 48 hours after injury, ankle sprains usually are treated by resting the ankle, providing some sort of support to the ankle and placing ice on the ankle.
We will design a specific treatment program for you to follow at home to speed up your recovery. Some sprains may require physical therapy treatments to help relieve swelling and pain, manual therapy and exercises to assist the ankle in regaining overall function.
Our overall goal is to return you to the roles you perform in the home, at work, and in the community. Without proper rehabilitation, serious problems could arise, severely limiting your ability to complete your usual activities.
Whether your injury is an ankle sprain, or something else, Abide will help you return to optimal function very quickly.